Om några timmar åker vi till Göteborg för att i huvudsak gå på Disney on ice, men också för att träffa vänner, slappna av med långa hotell frukostar och goda middagar på restaurang. Jag hoppas också att det finns tid för lite shopping, allra helst hem inredning som går hand i hand med mitt matlagnings intresse. Det finns så många fina inredningsbloggar och hemsidor att jag blir köptokig bara jag tittar. Farligt !! Jag borde sova för längesen men vi har haft besök här ikväll och efter det fanns det så mycket att gå och plocka med. Jag packar det sista imorgon bitti.
Jag kommer inte att ha tillfälle att blogga under helgen men jag är tillbaka igen på söndag kväll, alternativt måndag morgon.
Hur ska du/ni tillbringa er helg ? Vad ni än gör, så ha det bra !
Kram Sara
5 kommentarer:
Magazine The Memory of Our People
Rosario, Argentina.
Year IV, Number 40/41
The forms state in Argentina, by Ronen Man. School of History. Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the National University of Rosario.
The contentious relationship between the city of Rosario and a belgian holding tramway, by Fernando Cesaretti and Florence Pagni. School of History. Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the National University of Rosario.
Artistic Expressions of death in the Middle Ages, by Angela Trinidad Tuttolomondo. School of History. Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the National University of Rosario.
As conceive historical facts, 1 part, by Maximiliano Rodriguez. School of History. Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the National University of Rosario.
The last sapucay, by Raul María Callegari. School of History. Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the National University of Rosario.
Small tribute to the blood shed by those to which they had been fighting only for the honor ..., by Adriana Acosta Sosa. Faculty of Law at the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Another explanation of the reality of migration between Mexico and the United States, by Horacio Yubone. School of Anthropology. Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the National University of Rosario.
Militants of Peronism revolutionary, by Roberto Baschetti. School of Sociology. Universidad del Salvador.
Debt, justice, fictions, by Oscar Sbarra Mitre. Faculty of Economics at the University of Buenos Aires.
Review of the book "The companions. Workers left and Peronism", by Facundo Cersósimo. Department of History. Faculty of Arts at the University of Buenos Aires.
The easiest way to access and practice the magazine is shipping and handling its purchase by mail to the following mails:, or
You are invited to write with absolute freedom of opinion and thematic. We suggest for reasons of space and design of the magazine, the article does not exceed 20,000 characters, although this is not a condition exclusive (if your job is larger, it may be published by deliveries).
When you send it to also ask that you refer in your attachment photo staff, an e-mail address where they prefer to receive feedback from readers about your notes and references academic and / or labor ( very synthetic personal curriculum), all of which constitutes at the foot of your article dates from the author.
hoppas att ni får en riktigt trevlig helg i göteborg! jag hade gärna varit er personliga guide, men jag kommer tyvärr att spendera helgen med att plugga inför sista tentan på måndag.. dessutom ska ju min examen planeras, är bara en vecka kvar nu! :)
Ha nu en superhärlig resa!! Njut!! Ät en massa god mat åt mig också!! Stor Kram!
När du kommer hem så har jag världens utmaning till dig på min blogg!! Kolla Nu!!
Jag har utmanat dig på min blogg! :) Ha så kul i Göteborg!
Hej, jag bloggade nyss om hotellfrukost (som jag INTE gillar), ska bli kul att höra din recension.
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